Home » Certification Exams Questions » What else does the SAFe principle, unlock the intrinsic motivation of knowledge workers, require besides purpose and mission?

What else does the SAFe principle, unlock the intrinsic motivation of knowledge workers, require besides purpose and mission?


  • Innovation
  • Transparency
  • Minimum possible constraints
  • Incentive-based compensation


Minimum possible constraints


One of the key principles of SAFe is to minimize constraints and provide maximum autonomy to knowledge workers. This means that teams should be empowered to make decisions about how they work, what tools and technologies they use, and how they deliver value to the customer. By providing this autonomy, teams are able to work more efficiently and effectively, and are more likely to be motivated and engaged in their work.

It’s important to note that while SAFe encourages minimum constraints, it doesn’t advocate for complete lack of structure or discipline. The framework provides a set of practices and principles that teams can follow to help ensure consistent and effective delivery of value, while still maintaining the freedom and flexibility that knowledge workers need to be successful.

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