Home » Certification Exams Questions » What are two problems that can be understood from the Program Board? (Choose two.)

What are two problems that can be understood from the Program Board? (Choose two.)


  • Events for future PI
  • Too many dependencies leading to a single program milestone
  • Too much Work-in-Process in one Iteration
  • Too many Features are placed in a team’s swim lane with no strings
  • A significant dependency leading to a Feature


  • Too many dependencies leading to a single program milestone
  • A significant dependency leading to a Feature


The program board is an effective tool for visualizing the status of a project and identifying potential problems. When there are too many dependencies leading to a single program milestone or a significant dependency leading to a feature, these issues can be easily understood from the program board.

Having too many dependencies leading to a single program milestone can be represented by a large number of cards (representing features or tasks) that need to be completed before the milestone can be reached. This can indicate that there may be too many interdependencies between different elements of the project, which increases the risk of delays.

Similarly, a significant dependency leading to a feature can be represented by a card that is blocked by another card. This indicates that the completion of the dependent card is a prerequisite for the completion of the feature, and any delay in the dependent card can impact the delivery of the feature.

In both cases, the visual representation provided by the program board can help the product owner and development team to quickly identify and understand the problem, and take appropriate action to mitigate the risk. This may involve re-prioritizing the work, finding alternative solutions, or allocating additional resources.

In conclusion, the program board provides a valuable tool for visualizing the status of a project and identifying potential problems, including too many dependencies leading to a single program milestone and a significant dependency leading to a feature.

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