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Why do teams have an Iteration Retrospective?


  • To iterate on stories
  • To identify acceptance criteria
  • To adjust and identify ways to improve
  • To evaluate metrics


To adjust and identify ways to improve


Teams in an Agile environment typically have an Iteration Retrospective to adjust and identify ways to improve.

The Iteration Retrospective is a meeting that is held at the end of each iteration, typically after the delivery of a working software increment. The purpose of the Iteration Retrospective is for the team to reflect on the iteration that just ended, and to identify areas for improvement for the next iteration.

During the Iteration Retrospective, the team members discuss what went well during the iteration, what didn’t go well, and what they can do differently in the next iteration to improve. The team may identify areas for improvement in their processes, tools, and techniques, and work together to develop action items to address these issues.

The Iteration Retrospective is a valuable opportunity for the team to continuously improve their work and to ensure that they are delivering the most value to the end-users. By regularly reflecting on their work and making adjustments, the team is able to continuously improve their performance and deliver better outcomes for the end-users.

In short, the Iteration Retrospective is a key component of the Agile process, and provides teams with a regular opportunity to reflect on their work and identify areas for improvement.

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