Home » Certification Exams Questions » Which two quality practices apply to Agile teams? (Choose two.)

Which two quality practices apply to Agile teams? (Choose two.)


  • Providing architectural runway
  • Peer review and pairing
  • Decentralized decision-making
  • Using nonfunctional requirements
  • Establishing flow


  • Peer review and pairing
  • Establishing flow


Peer review and Pairing are two quality practices that can apply to Agile teams.

Peer review refers to the practice of having other team members review code, designs, or other work products produced by a team member. This can help to catch errors and ensure that the work meets the quality standards of the team. Peer review can also help to promote knowledge sharing and collaboration within the team.

Pairing refers to the practice of two team members working together on a task, such as coding, design, or testing. This can help to catch errors and improve the quality of the work, as well as promote knowledge sharing and collaboration within the team.

Establishing flow, or the smooth and continuous delivery of value, is also an important quality practice in Agile. This can be achieved by following Agile principles, such as prioritizing customer value, continuously delivering small increments of work, and regularly reflecting on and improving the process. Establishing flow helps to ensure that the work being delivered is of high quality and meets the needs of the customer.

By incorporating these quality practices into their work, Agile teams can ensure that they are delivering high-quality solutions that meet the needs of the customer and are aligned with the goals and priorities of the organization.

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