Home » Certification Exams Questions » Which two approaches would BEST support the objective?

A new technology company has experienced rapid growth and success. The management wants to introduce a holistic approach to continual improvement that ensures all improvement efforts are coordinated and support the company mission. Which two approaches would BEST support this objective?

1. Assign responsibility for the improvements to the executive team of the organization
2. Adopt a common set of guiding principles for continual improvement in the organization
3. Create and nurture an organization-wide culture that embraces and promotes continual improvement
4. Analyze external requirements for the continual improvement system


  • 1 and 2
  • 2 and 3
  • 3 and 4
  • 1 and 4


2 and 3


The ITIL guiding principles should be considered throughout direction, planning, and improvement because the scope of ‘continual improvement’ is the entire SVS. (3) Implementing individual improvement initiatives will not have the same positive impact as embedding a commitment to continual improvement into the organization’s culture. In almost every case, an organization with a strong culture of continual improvement will also have a strong governance capability that allows them to allocate resources, and provide the management and leadership required for successful improvement initiatives.

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