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Why did you leave your last job?

You should be very careful when answering this question. Don’t bad mouth your past employers. Don’t be specific about the monetary benefits. Speak very convincingly and clearly.


I have been working with this company for X years, and I believe it’s the time to accept new challenges and broaden my horizons and gain new skills and knowledge.

Other valid reasons can be:

  • Relocation
  • Family Emergencies → Make sure that you explain that it is sorted forever, else the interviewer may think that you would resign again.
  • Lay off → This is one area you want to be specific in your answer though and share details. Were you laid off due to financial struggles? Did your job get outsourced overseas? Did the entire department shut down? Did the company go out of business? Etc.
  • Resume Studies → This happens and you can explain it in a way that the employer feel that you are now totally available for a long term career with them.

What if you’re fired?
Say that without any inhibitions. In 99% of the absorbance, the process includes background verification. Even if you lie, you would be caught at the verification process. So it’s recommended to be honest if you are fired. Your genuity would be given a grace mark if the reason for getting fired was not so damaging. 


  • Don’t trash your past employer, especially when you are fired.
  • Don’t sound like you are a money oriented person.
  • Don’t bad mouth your coworker or uplines. 
  • Don’t be vague

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