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What is Confidence Interval?

OPTIONS Interval between 2 consecutive sets of data population Estimated range of values which is likely to include the parameter of the population Interval between each measurement to gain confidence Interval between the Measure and Analyze phase ANSWER Estimated range of values which is likely...
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Which regression procedures are used in stepwise regression?

OPTIONS Standard Stepwise, Forward Selection, and Backward Elimination Standard Stepwise, Forward Estimation, and Backward Estimation Standard Stepwise, Forward Regression, and Backward Regression Standard Stepwise, Forward co-relation, and Backward co-relation ANWER Standard Stepwise, Forward Selection, and Backward Elimination EXPLANATION In Stepwise Regression, the most significant variable...
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What does PRESS in PRESS Statistic stand for?

OPTIONS Partial Residuals Sum of Squares Part Regression Six Sigma Predicted Residuals Six Sigma Predicted Residuals Sum of Squares ANSWER Predicted Residuals Sum of Squares EXPLANATION PRESS stands for Predicted Residuals Sum of Squares in PRESS Statistic.
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When is Multiple Linear Regression to be used?

OPTIONS 1 KPOV and 1 KPIV 1 KPOV and 2 KPIV 2 KPOV and 1 KPIV 2 KPOV and 2 KPIV ANSWER 1 KPOV and 2 KPIV EXPLANATION Multiple Linear Regression is to be used when you have one response variable (KPOV) and two multiple...
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What does KPIV stand for?

OPTIONS Key Process Indicator Value Key Person Indicator Value Key Process Input Value Key Person Input Value ANSWER Key Process Input Value EXPLANATION KPIV stands for Key Process Input 
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