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When should new approaches be anchored in an organization’s culture?


  • Create an Agile Release Train to focus on value
  • Create a reliable decision-making framework to empower employees and ensure a fast flow of value
  • Apply development cadence and synchronization to operate effectively and manage uncertainty
  • Reorganize the network around the new value flow


Reorganize the network around the new value flow


reorganize a network around a new value flow and anchor new approaches in an organization’s culture, the following steps can be taken:

Clearly define the new value flow: Start by understanding what the new value flow is and what changes it brings to the organization. Ensure that everyone is on the same page and has a clear understanding of what is expected of them.

Communicate the change: Once the new value flow is defined, communicate it effectively to all stakeholders, including employees, partners, and customers. Explain the benefits of the change and how it will impact them.

Align processes and systems: Review and revise existing processes and systems to align with the new value flow. This may include updating procedures, modifying software, and investing in new technology.

Re-educate and train employees: Employees will need to be re-educated and trained to align with the new value flow. This may include workshops, training sessions, and regular check-ins to ensure that everyone is on track.

Encourage cultural shift: Encourage a cultural shift by creating a supportive environment and providing incentives for employees to adopt the new value flow. Lead by example, and make sure that everyone is aware of the importance of the change.

Monitor and adjust: Regularly monitor the implementation of the new value flow and make adjustments as necessary. Ensure that everyone is following the new procedures and that the new approach is having the desired impact on the organization.

By taking these steps, an organization can successfully reorganize its network around a new value flow and anchor new approaches in its culture.

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